CFC 146 Site Prep & Preparation for Concrete Placement

Trenching and Excavating provides an introduction to working in and around excavations, particularly in preparing building foundations. Describes types and bearing capacities of soils; procedures used in shoring, sloping, and shielding trenches and excavations, trenching safety requirements, including recognition of unsafe conditions, the mitigation of ground water, and rock when excavating foundations. Preparing for Placement details the methods and procedures used to prepare for placing concrete. Covers site layout, forms requirements, and subgrade preparation. Describes requirements for joints and reinforcement. Explains how to order concrete from a mixing or batch plant. Placing Concrete presents requirements and methods for properly placing concrete. Includes information on conveying and placing fresh concrete using equipment such as wheelbarrows, pumps and conveyors. Describes techniques for spreading, consolidating, and striking off concrete.


